A Tribute to Reba McEntire
Reba -- Black Dress

Image scanned from If You See Him
This page is my personal tribute to the one and onlyRebaMcEntire.She is the true queen of country and will always be dearto my heart. I Fell in love with her sweet voice when I heard her about12 years ago on the radio, I've been a Reba fan ever since. Every timeI hear her songs, I just have to stop and listen to her sweet and wonderfulvoice. Reba can paint a picture, or she can touch your heart and she reallyseems to put everything into what she does. In addition, she is a motherand contributes to many charities to help others. The one thing that Ihave always admired about Reba is her charming smile and how she seemsto enjoy what she does.

I GOT TO SEE REBA!I saw her in Dallas at the state fair of Texas on Saturday, October 17,1999 @ 8:30PM. Reba is exciting to see. I was thrilled. See the completereview HERE.
Remember to keep supporting Reba always just like I do.

Reba notes

SGT - Front
Secret of Giving

Rebafacts & Stats

Reba Facts


Reba in chair
Reba's current songs
One Honest Heart
What Do You Say

"I'll Be"

"I'll be your shoulder/ When you need someone to see you through/ I'll be there to carry you / I'll be there / I'll be the rock that willbe strong for you/ The one that will hold on to you/ When you feel thatrain falling down/ When there's nobody else around/ I'll be "

"So Good Together"

"One Honest Heart"

I'm a Survivor

Image Map

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